How to prepare the apartment before the arrival of your travelers
When you rent your accommodation in Airbnb, there are elements to bring and set up for optimal support for your travelers during their stay. You want to anticipate their needs, facilitate and make their stay as pleasant as possible at home. Here's a checklist of everything that needs to be prepared in advance to get as many stars as possible in your Airbnb ratings.
Do a thorough housework
Hygiene is paramount. Guests are demanding and will be uncompromising about it in comments if the apartment is not perfectly clean. Clean all nooks and crannies without forgetting the air vents, hair filters, the inside of the microwave, the refrigerator, above the cupboards ... (Nestor & Jeeves has a household team composed of professionals trained in hotel standards).
Lock up your personal belongings
You surely have valuables (jewelry, porcelain dishes), family photo albums or administrative papers in your apartment. You do not want to take the risk of losing them or at worst you get them stolen. Gather them and store them in a place not accessible to guests. It can be in a closet or a cabinet where you have put a lock.
Equip the apartment
Your apartment must be the best equipped to facilitate the stay of your customers.
Daily products:
- Cleaning products (washing up liquid, detergent, soil product ...)
- Hygiene products (shampoo, shower gel ...)
- Household products (tea towels, sponges ...)
- Bathroom linen (2 towels per person, bath mat ...)
- Toiletries (toilet paper, tissues, paper towels ...)
- Small appliances (toaster, coffee machine, kettle ...)
- Garbage bags
- Enough dishes for the maximum capacity of people for your accommodation
- Ironing board and iron
- Clothes rack
- Fans (especially if your apartment is not equipped with air conditioning)
(Between each rental, the Nestor & Jeeves cleaning team renews hygiene, maintenance products, slippers, towels etc. for your travelers).
To make the stay of your customers more pleasant you can add some objects in bonus:
- Parasol and chairs for the beach (if your accommodation is in a city where there is sea of course)
- Tourist guide of the region
- DVD, board games, cards ...
- Hair dryer
Prepare the detailed instructions for use of all your devices
If you do not want your guests to call you every hour because they can not operate the appliances in the house, provide them with instructions for use in a filing cabinet (washing machine, dishwasher , air conditioning, telecommades ...). Add other essential information such as the name on the intercom, the name of the Wi-fi network with the password, where is the electrical board, how to access the local trash ...
Translate your user guides into English for your non-French speaking guests (at Nestor & Jeeves we write the instructions for your accommodation in English and French, and your travelers can consult them whenever they need them via our smartphone app. ).
Share your recommendations
To accompany your travelers during their stay, it is useful to leave a list of your must-visit places, restaurants and shops not to be missed. Your guests will be grateful (Thanks to the Nestor & Jeeves app, your customers can consult our list of places to see, the best shops in Nice ...)
Take pictures of the inventory
Before the arrival of your travelers, it is strongly recommended to take pictures of the inventory. Thanks to this procedure, if an item is damaged or missing in your apartment you will be able to cash the deposit. In case of dispute on Airbnb, you will have a proof of the initial state of your home and your goods before the arrival of your tenants (Nestor & Jeeves, we take the photos for you and your travelers can consult them via our smarthphone application).
Leave your details
Do not forget to leave your telephone number so that your guests can reach you in case of a problem (At Nestor & Jeeves your travelers can call us 24 hours in case of emergency). A list with emergency numbers (firefighters, EMS and police / gendarmerie) is also available to your travelers.
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